Stars are collected at a maximum rate of 3⭐️ by Block (see Adventure mode)
As time passes, you loose stars of passed content and you need to win them back by succeeding in the Games set again
Stars unlocks higher PVP leagues to compete for higher prizes.
Once you start a Block, you will be able to earn up to 3 stars :
⭐️ Once you finish the learning content
⭐️⭐️: When you've completed the Games but didn't get everything right
⭐️⭐️⭐️: When you’ve completed the Games without any mistakes
Stars are important as they show the level of knowledge you have inside the app and allow you to have access to leagues!
Note that the more stars you earn, the more XP you will earn
So be sure to achieve 3 stars on each courses if you want to reach the top leaderboard and join Leagues!
Last updated